After seeing Fleurdeforce's post on autumn nails I decided to try out a similar effect on my own nails, and I must say I really loved the result. The combination of these 2 polishes, it kind of reminds me of fire or something, perhaps not the most sophisticated look but more fun than just the burgundy colour by itself.
2 coats of Essie 'Bahama Mama' and 1 coat of Essie 'Shine of the Times'
2 coats of Essie 'Bahama Mama' and 1 coat of Essie 'Shine of the Times'
I really love how 'Shine of the Times' changes the look of any polish that you put it on top of and instantly makes your nails just that little bit more interesting, although I do way prefer it on top of darker polishes rather than bright colours. Very pretty, I like it a lot.
2 coats of Essie 'Bahama Mama' and 1 coat of Essie 'Shine of the Times'
2 coats of Essie 'Bahama Mama' and 1 coat of Essie 'Shine of the Times'
I'll be putting this look away for a little while in favour of some more spring colours (A little early? Perhaps...but oh well) but I do really like it, are you putting away your wintery shades yet?